Last week was c.r.a.z.y.
Meaning it was super duper busy...I was going to lose my therefore, and naturally, I was absolutely beat by the weekend. I literally did nothing...well, that's untrue, I cleaned and did all the adulting that I needed to do but I also bailed on the gym both days and ate so much junk it wasn't even funny...definitely gained a few which I am not super proud of...which leads me to today's post...which many people struggle with and I am most certainly one of
them and that is bingeing.
Now you can binge on pretty much anything these days...whether it be binge-watching your favorite shows, binge-drinking, binge-eating...binge-anything! But the most common form would of course be gorging yourself on food.
I will admit that there have been times where I will plan a cheat meal and oftentimes it can turn to cheat "days"...which I know doesn't help my progress at the gym whatsoever...not only that, it's mindless.